- Feb, 28, 2025
Literary Vibes - Edition CL (28-Feb-2025) - POEMS & BOOK REVIEWS
Literary Vibes - Edition CL (28-Feb-2025) - POEMS & BOOK REVIEWS
Literary Vibes - Edition CL (28-Feb-2025) - SHORT STORIES
Literary Vibes - Edition CL (28-Feb-2025) - YOUNG MAGIC
Literary Vibes - Edition CXLIX (31-Jan-2025) - POEMS
Literary Vibes - Edition CXLIX (31-Jan-2025) - SHORT STORIES
Five policemen in Banda district were rewarded with certificates after a video of them carrying a woman with burns for around half a kilometre on a charpoy became viral on the social media on Monday.
On 9th November 2005 Shri K.R.Narayanan, who was 9th President of our Republic during 1997 and 2002 passed away after serving the nation with distinction. His exceptional legacy in defending the Constitution and Secularism constitutes crowning glory for the whole nation.
Like a large percentage of secular Indians, I have an incident to share which may awaken the conscience of some of my fellow men.
It is indeed a pleasure to receive two excellent articles on very positive initiatives led by Mr. Harikishore and Mr. Jyothilal, two of the most dynamic and efficient young civil servants of Kerala. Kudumbashr
the accompanying video on a train crossing a busy road should tell in a loud voice the need to erect level crossing gates wherever required.
Will this video shock someone into action?
Particularly after the A
One of the biggest threats to human civilisation is the use of plastic and polythene. I had the pleasure of visiting Himachal Pradesh six months back. I was amazed to see a complete absence of polythene bags throughout the state
Of late MeToo is a much discussed subject in print and electronic media. The courage of those who have been victims of sexual harassment and have decided to let the world know of their harrowing ordeal is indeed commendable. Yes
You will be happy to know that the New Indian Express has started a daily feature from 8th October under the name “Changemakers Who Set Their Benchmarks on Humanity”. This new initiative is a harbinger of posit
Literary Vibes - Edition XIII (26-April-2019)
After driving a distance of 35 miles from Oak Street, Foxboro, residence of my daughter, following the exit to I-91N (Interstate Highway) route by car, we arrived at the historic Lexington state park by 11 AM on a bright September Sunday, enjoying the brilliant russet and gold fall foliage, against crisp blue sky en-route.
The day I joined the present hospital as chief consultant anaesthetist I was welcomed by a very smoky and tobacco smelling anaesthetist's room.
A long cherished desire materialized, when a chance to visit Masai Mara National Reserve came on 25th August 2013.The tour operator 'Fnkewa Mara Bush camp' picked up us from our Nairobi hotel early in the morning. The tour operator has designed tour itinerary specifically keeping Indian needs and their food habits .