www.PositiveVibes.Today has been launched to record positive thoughts and deeds that inspire & rekindle the spirit of hope and optimism.
The Initiator makes it clear that this site is not meant for any particular groups or service. It is open to everyone – from top government officials in Delhi or Trivandrum to a Municipal clerk in Thrithuraipoondi or Pehelgam, from corporate CEOs in Mumbai to a PDS salesman in Siligudi or an Anganwadi worker in Kalahandi.
Any individual who wants to chronicle a good deed she has done or knows to have been done can record it in this site, preferably accompanied by a few photographs and a video clip.
This site is neither for negative reports nor for criticism simply for the sake of criticizing. Analytical criticism of schemes, policies and action are welcome only if they are a prelude to positive suggestions.
This site is also not for those who want to give vent to their anger and frustrations through venomous outpourings or obnoxious, objectionable or scurrilous writings. Kindly avoid these since they will be moderated.