Medicine Baba - the dispenser of medicines is no doctor, but he does what very few doctors can do - collect and distribute medicine free of cost to th

Medicine Baba - the dispenser of medicines is no doctor, but he does what very few doctors can do - collect and distribute medicine free of cost to th
Getting born into a family is a destiny, much though I did not realize this in my younger days to seize the opportunities better! The independence fer
Dandi March was an unprecedented and unique event not only in the history of India but also in the history of mankind surpassing the importance, metho
One fine morning in 2007 Rakesh Kumar Sharma, a small shop-owner from Shakarpur in Delhi walked to the Yamuna Bank Metro Station to see the under-cons
There is a micro enterprise located at the Idukki District Mission of Kudumbashree named ‘Pratheeksha’. As the name implies, the unit itself is be
On Friday 28th of December heavy snowfall in the upper ridges of Darjeeling and Sikkim had left nearly 2800 tourists stranded. Completely cut-off, wit
Of the many illustrious women who have adorned the glorious social fabric of our country, Sindhutai Sapkal from Pune district in Maharashtra is outsta
Reviewer of the book “Gandhi: A Great Soul” called him bisexual A book “Gandhi : The Great Soul” authored by Joseph Lelyveld and published
Christmas and New year seasons are always offer markets to the products of small scale entrepreneurs. Smt. Aisha Rahim hailing from the Palakkad distr
The Musahar are those who survive on eating rats - that is how they got the name for their community. They are Dalits, mostly found in pockets of Biha
The suffering and sacrifices of the martyrs constitute the source of strength and vitality of the nation. It is on their contributions that we build
A good deed needs a good intention, not huge riches, nor immense manpower. A rickshaw puller from Karimganj district of Assam, Ahmed Ali, has proved t
In the hilly environs of Shimla there is a humanist who has dedicated his life to serving the living and the dead with a rare dedication and commitmen
Mahila Mall, as the name implies is a shopping mall owned and run completely by women. A group of Kudumbashree women runs a shopping mall in the Kozhi
A Teacher Who Swims to School Everyday to be in Time At 9 a.m. every working day one can see a man wading through neck-deep water in Kadalundi river,