
Literary Vibes - Edition CXLIII (26-Jul-2024) - YOUNG MAGIC

Title : Stone Flower  (Picture courtesy Ms. Ritika Sriram)


Ritika likes to find an unusual angle in the usual things. Her work is mostly written in hindi and english, but she likes experimenting in other languages as well. Her articles are often published in the newspaper ‘The Hitavada’. Her poems can be found under the pen name ‘Rituational’ in Instagram: and in her blog: & Her Contact:




Table of Contents :: YOUNG MAGIC


01) Anura Parida
          MY GOLDEN WISH
02) Trishna Sahoo 
03) Shibanshi Das
04) Suyansh Mishra
          HIS VIDEOS




Anura Parida


The gold pearls glimmer from her ears,

It lights my eyes it appears.

Like five yellow daffodils, it glimmers,

Hung below each other,

staring at it continuously, my mind remembers.


I remember those days I used to live,

Back in those days when I was five.

Gawking at the earrings not leaving them out of sight,

Hoping to own the earring which I just might.


Similar to five rays of sunshine,

In a pearl as if it is confined.

Yearning for a glimpse to see how it outshines.

My eyes not ready to leave as if it is bind,

Which in my mind is highly enshrined.


The earrings hung from her ears and hit her cheeks,

As she laughs and speaks.

My metallic happiness chimes, though it sounds weak,

It dangles from my ears; I imagine what my heart seeks.


The desire my heart seeks seems like feats.

These gold earrings my mother possesses I entreat,

For the earrings to be in my possession I conceit.

Hoping our destinies will meet,

All I wish is to wear that earring once while my heart beats.


I am Anura Parida, a 12-year-old creative writer currently studying in the 8th grade. Ever since I can remember, words have been my closest companions, and poetry has become my heartfelt expression.

Through my writing, I explore the tapestry of emotions that color my world – from the joy of friendship to the contemplation of life's mysteries.

Besides being a writer, I am an avid reader, devouring classics and contemporary literature alike, which helps me expand my creative horizons.

Art, in all its forms, holds a special place in my heart, and I enjoy sketching and painting to complement my poetic musings. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to sharing this beautiful world of creative writing with you all!




Trishna Sahoo


A little bird comes daily and wakes me up,

Making a sound at my window glass Tap Tap Tap.


To take a snap, when I try,

Leaving behind a trail of sweet chrip, it flies away.


No chorus, alone it sings,

A sweet soothing music from its heart it brings.


The world below, still in deep slumber,

But this solitary bird never misses whether in rainy or in summer.


As sun rises high, it takes shelter in its nest,

Leaving behind a trail of memory at its best.


With every note it sings, sings from its heart,

The sweet, soothing tranquility never fall apart.


From its song we find our own,

A strange feeling of fulfillment, not yet known.


Daily when I wake up, search for my friend,

It's never a defaulter, even for a second.


Thank you very much, my dear little friend.

For making me so punctual at the end.


Trishna  ( Natuni ) , a class VII student from Bhubaneswar, born to engineer parents and doctor grandparents, is a gifted child . A disciplined and dedicated learner, she excels as a student, family member, orator , writer and a swimmer. She is blended with traditional and cultural values,  spirituality, science and arts .A nature loving girl, she has taken to reading books and traveling as her hobbies. Her favorite dish is Chicken Biryani prepared by her mother . Her motto of life  is, “NEVER BE A DEFAULTER ".




Shibanshi Das


These 3 arts were drawn when she was in class 2 and 3.






Shivanshi Das, the newest entrant to the Literary Vives family, was born to engineer parents and is currently a fourth-grade student in Hyderabad. With a natural talent for painting, she enjoys capturing the beauty of nature on any available canvas. Beyond her artistic abilities, Shivanshi is a multi-talented individual excelling in academics, sports like badminton and swimming, dance, and gymnastics. A voracious reader, she has a remarkable ability to finish books in both English and Hindi within a short time frame, comprehending them to a high degree. Her favorite dish is Chicken Biryani, lovingly prepared by her mother, and her closest confidant is her father. Shivanshi also has a passion for teaching, displaying abundant patience, with her grandfather being her favorite student. May Lord Jagannath bless her endeavors in all aspects of her life.



Suyansh Mishra


UKG student, Age - 5 years

Bhadrak, Odisha. Grand parents are teachers. From the very childhood Suyansh is fond of remembering and reciting the  Sanskrit slokas , telling stories.

His Video's Below.. 

Viewers Comments

  • Dr. Prashant Nayak

    Little bird: My friend by Trishna Sahoo, is a great poetic creation. Keep it up Trishna

    Aug, 17, 2024
  • Dr Renuka Sahu

    Wonderful little Champs. Keep writing. May God bless you all.

    Aug, 01, 2024
  • Prabhanjan K. Mishra

    I read the poem A Eulogy by the poet Athena Thiyam with awe for the courage and grit it packs with so much of tragedy around. The poem-persona's tone is a quiet rebellion. In her soil she along with her peers don't feel free, in her own words "A caged bird within a caged bird". Hers is a cry to fly to freedom, she can escape the cage of the power that be, but her own cage of responsibility to her soil, her people is insular and a blind lane. Her refrain is foreboding, four times she asks - "What is adulthood.....?", the life has apparently lost its urge to live to adulthood. When a ten year old is killed and his memory makes a tragic armful, life is ash. A chilling poem and her title is indicative her stubbornness of spirit to not condemn others but to take it on herself for a self-cure. She has earned her space as a fighter for justice in North-east.

    Jul, 28, 2024
  • Pravat Kumar Padhy

    "Young Magic" has been an interesting initiative. It will inspire young talents. The "Video-Stories" are indeed fascinating to listen. P K Padhy, Ph.D

    Jul, 27, 2024
  • Ashalata Raj

    I am really impressed with your fluency in English and your great pronunciation of words, especially considering how young you are! You speak so clearly and confidently—it's really amazing to see how well you express yourself. Keep up the fantastic work; you’re doing an incredible job!

    Jul, 26, 2024
  • Prabhanjan K. Mishra

    There are two poems from the iconic poet from Odisha, Haraprasad Das, translated by yours truly. The Exile and Deification. The poems are philosophical expositions of human condition, controvertial, tragic and double-edged. The Exile speaks of seekers, the seeker who seeks ways to make the people to rise and shine, and the other kinds like those who go out, seeking a course between confused banks of a flowing river, it could be simply self-seeking, say, promoting and perpetuating power and pelf or personal moksha. The Deification exposes success as a trap, a prison, it turns a successful individual into a ray of light imprisoned among a gem's lattice faces, unable to find freedom. As assumed to be a demi-god, even he has feet of clay, he has to soil his limbs. Thought made of metal and ivory, they are not immune to getting soiled and bruised and bloody. A great confession by a great poet - even an individual with success and many accomplishments is a slave of his power and grit Even his well-earned retirement is no time to spread his tired limbs for rest, but to attend to the needs of his dear and near onnes for which none has time except him, not enen a surrealist in the house who shoots imaginary birds from linoleum flooring.

    Jul, 26, 2024
  • Prabhanjan K. Mishra

    Poet Geetha Nair's poem is refreshingly lucid and lyrical, a shift from her equally talented esoteric and cryptic style. The poem-persona is haunted by the clash between May heat and July downpour. One rains heat, the other romance. Her refrain "Love, where are you?" Repeated twice, he or she or it is missed when the night is silent as well as when birds are roosting in nightly silence. I would have liked to end the poem with that haunting refrain, but alas, if wishes were horses.

    Jul, 26, 2024
  • Prabhanjan K. Mishra

    Senior and seasoned Dilip Mohapatra's poem One More Time is lyrical and multifaceted. A young man and a man retired from realities of life make a heady mix of the sensual.encounter over the last peg, last kiss and the last overture into flesh that is called a sin but described like a spiritual experience. A strange poem with double entendres, wit, and surprises. Kudos, Dilip dear.

    Jul, 26, 2024
  • Ashalata Raj

    I am really impressed with your fluency in English and your great pronunciation of words, especially considering how young you are! You speak so clearly and confidently—it's really amazing to see how well you express yourself. Keep up the fantastic work; you’re doing an incredible job!

    Jul, 26, 2024

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