
Literary Vibes - Edition CXLII (28-Jun-2024) - YOUNG MAGIC

Title : God (Picture courtesy Ms. Ishanvi Behera)


Ishanvi Behera, a student of 9th standard in Burla, Sambalpur, has a habit of looking and doing things in an artistic way. A voracious reader, she is very much dedicated to her studies. At the same time she loves drawing and painting so much that she gets really mad if she doesn't have time for painting for a few days  and gets relief only after completion of a painting.



Table of Contents :: YOUNG MAGIC

01) Trishna Sahoo 
          OCEAN AND THE SKY 
02) Anura Parida
03) Usha Surya 
          ONCE UPON A TIME





Trishna Sahoo


The ocean is of wild and untamed beauty,

Sometimes calm and sometimes whirlwind.


When in  peace, waves are marvelous,

During depression, so dangerous!


As far as one's eyesight can stretch , only can see the picturesque of ocean,

Really, it is the wonder  of the God's creation.


No one knows where one's perimeter ends and horizon begins,

It is mesmerizing to see the the beauty where both the sky and the ocean mingle.


When ocean looks up and sees the vast blue sky ,

Asks, "Are you imitating me and why ?"


" I am the canopy , you are the canvas,

You are my mirror, I am yours.


You are limitless, so am I ,

God has made both of us to save the world, " said the sky.


Trishna  ( Natuni ) , a class VII student from Bhubaneswar, born to engineer parents and doctor grandparents, is a gifted child . A disciplined and dedicated learner, she excels as a student, family member, orator , writer and a swimmer. She is blended with traditional and cultural values,  spirituality, science and arts .A nature loving girl, she has taken to reading books and traveling as her hobbies. Her favorite dish is Chicken Biryani prepared by her mother . Her motto of life  is, “NEVER BE A DEFAULTER ".




Anura Parida


A girl sat on her own,

Her thoughts along the wind, flown.

The seated one gathered posy which the wind had blown.

Afield sat another girl alone,

A pearl bracelet dangled; the sun shimmered the stones.


The needle and thread bind the posy to hold,

She poked herself several times but she controlled.

The withered flowers dangled from her wrist, she beholds,

In a rather uneven way, the flowers were mould.

Some withered, some big, some, small, some yet to unfold,

Her art beamed more than the sun’s gold.


She rushed to the girl; her hand held out,

She asked of the bracelet, she wore about.

The little girl’s eyes landed on her silky frill which stood out,

At its edge stood a pearly crowd.

The little one looked at her dull frill as she frowned,

She excused herself to make her looking crowned.


Standing on her toes, jingling with the boxes, she played,

In a small box jingled some shiny stones which met her fate,

Spilling the gems beginning what she wished to create.

Her frock sewed with gems though not straight,

But in her wild imagination it will effortlessly relate.

She softly swirled in her new frock as it was delicate.


I am Anura Parida, a 12-year-old creative writer currently studying in the 7th grade. Ever since I can remember, words have been my closest companions, and poetry has become my heartfelt expression.

Through my writing, I explore the tapestry of emotions that color my world – from the joy of friendship to the contemplation of life's mysteries.

Besides being a writer, I am an avid reader, devouring classics and contemporary literature alike, which helps me expand my creative horizons. Art, in all its forms, holds a special place in my heart, and I enjoy sketching and painting to complement my poetic musings. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to sharing this beautiful world of creative writing with you all!




Usha Surya


(This is a story for children.

I know and feel that there SHOULD BE a little bit of the “Child “ in all of us.

This feeling keeps us thinking young- with the stream of creativity ever fresh, flowing within us.

 Writers would witness that they would never get that “writers’ block”, if they read Hans Anderson’s or Grimm's Fairy Tales or for that matter “Alice in Wonderland” , once in a while!! We all thrive on fantasy and that adds spice to our lives!!

So, here I am trying to write a small short story for Children…for the “child” that is hiding in every one of us.)


Once upon a time, there lived a Grandfather in a BIG house. There lived with him, his little grandson, aged seven  and  also his sister, a cruel woman - well,  almost a witch she was (Eh Eh Eh !! Only, she didn't fly on a broom ).

Now why do I say she was cruel? She beat the little boy every day with the cane (which actually was her brother's).


Know why? Grandpa had built the house with the money his wicked sister had given him. And so  she treated him like her slave. She had married a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG millionaire Land Lord (he was 70 years old and she was 17 years old) and the old man died within a year leaving her with a lot of money and she gave her brother a big sum to build this large house with garden and all that (Psssssssss  rumours are afloat that she poisoned her husband). When  little Druv's (that's the name of the grandson) mother passed away within a few hours after giving birth to the bonny baby,  her husband- Grandpa's son -  was shell shocked and in deep grief, left for the Himalayas. One or two villagers who had been to Rishikesh  a couple of years ago had reported seeing him with a group of Sadhus.


This Grand aunt hated the little Druv for no reason at all.

He was not sent to school but made to to do all the work.

The boy would sit for hours in the garden all by himself  after all the chores had been done and cry thinking about his parents whom he had never seen. He would often wish that the earth would open and swallow his Grand Aunt. The Grandfather could do nothing much against the wickedness of his sister.  But he loved the little boy and kept telling him,


“Things will change my little boy. I am praying hard . I know God will listen to me.”

One day, as Druv was sitting in the garden he saw a beautiful Macaw flying over him. The bird flew down and perched on his shoulder. The boy and the bird became very close friends. Grandfather was very happy to see a happy smiling grandson and breathed a sigh of relief. His only wish in life was to see a happy grandson. Now that had become a reality because of the pet - Macaw.!!


The Macaw had been watching the cruel treatment meted out to the little boy. After a few weeks, the Macaw spoke to Druv, which took him by surprise.

 A talking Macaw !!

The Macaw told him-


" I came here  with a purpose. And I am going to execute the mission and get back to where I came from.

"You are going back? Noooooooooo ! I will miss you so much. Please please don't leave me."

 The Macaw said -


 "That's not possible. I am sure you will be fine. You will start going to school. You will get a lot of good friends. You will be a very good boy. You will study very well and become a great man."

 "How do you know all this?" the boy asked wiping his tears.

 "I know. I came from the Himalayas just to bring happiness into your life and your Grandfather's. "


 The wicked Grand Aunt was coming towards them with anger writ large on her face. She hated the Macaw as much as she hated the little boy. As she came close to the boy and swung the cane, the Macaw  screeched and started flying around her in circles, screeching all the time and Druv stood with his mouth open staring at what was happening.

 He could not see the Grand Aunt, nor the Macaw clearly.

All he could see were the colours of the bird's wings. And all he could hear was  a swishing sound. When finally the flying seemed to abate like a slow-motion action, the Grand Aunt wasn't there.


A thorny cactus stood where she was and a stone lay near the cactus.

"That's the wicked woman," said the Macaw pointing to the cactus,..”and that's the cane," pointing to the stone.

"Druv, nobody will torment you or your dear Grandpa anymore. Good Bye, child," the Macaw said and started flying towards the horizon.


"Who are you?" cried Druv.

The Macaw took a slow turn swooping down near the boy, whispered-

"I am your father."

It then flew away.


Druv stood watching the horizon till the bird was lost to his vision.


Usha Surya.- Have been writing for fifty years. Was a regular blogger at and a few stories in Have published fifteen books in Amazon / Kindle ... a  few short story collections, a book on a few Temples and Detective Novels and a Recipe book. A member of the International Photo Blogging site- for the past thirteen years...being a photographer.  



Viewers Comments

  • Matralina Pati

    These youthful crafts promise a brighter literary world in the decades to follow. I reminisce about bygone days, and I long to relive in these promises.

    Jul, 01, 2024

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