Doctors order number 9
Housie in full swing for the full house......two little and seven ...77, Shaking well.....Gandhi's breakfast....ate nothing..eight and zero....80......Come on .....come that is "doctors order".......and from the audience"yes....hands up with two fingers up.....announcer...yes that is it is the guy ? number....nine..the guy ran to answer the call of nature.....Full house gone.....
Now the selling of tickets for the next.....Full house 1000 bucks.....
....lucky for and three.....13,.
.... Goodbye Teens....1 and 9.....nineteen.... of the house......nine and zero..90..
....Doctors order......number....nin....."carry on.......Excuse me I need to answer the call of nature ..the announcer got up and walks away.”
“Where are you running", asked his assistant.
“To take a piss”..
And the show went on “number nine"....
And the full house gone....last call ..number ...9 Doctor’s order !
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....Doctors order, number nine....????
Invariably the duty medical officer of a military hospital gets pain abdomen cases after 10pm specially on the eve of unit's exercise .My method of management was unconventional.
Having examined them if I found the patient a malingerer I used to treat like this. Along with the medical assistant I used to take the patient to examination room and ask the medical assistant to prepare the patient for soap enema and I come out of the examination room. After a couple of minutes I used see the patient going out of the room....
And he never returns.
What happens in between??
The patient asks the medical assistant about the soap water enema and the medical assistant shows him the enema stand, the enema cane and the flatus/enema tube with cannula....and explained him the image how it will be introduced and the effects…
Then the patient asks the medical assistant to allow him to go out and come after a couple of minutes......
And vanishes.....!!
What a fantastic method of treatment...
Doctor's order number 9 was a laxative tablet used during WW1
Slang of the First World War was the “No.9” pill.The army doctors were prescribing it excessively which led the soldiers to mock it as the panacea for
many ailments of the soldier .Actually it was a universal laxative pill given when no other alternative was found suitable . It gave rise to the bingo call ‘Doctor’s orders – number nine.’ ” (Pegler, Soldier’s Songs and Slang of the Great War, p.
35). The following advertisement speaks volumes of “No.9”pill.
“This is the story of “Doctor’s order number 9”.
Let us start…
Ya, it is dancing queen… 1 and 7..seventeen
Buckle my shoe …3 and 2..32
Either way up..6 and 9…69
Made in heaven…6 and 7…67
Get up and run..3 and 1…31
And “doctor’s order…..
If one is interested to know about Tambola/Housie/Bingo please click the link below and peruse .
[Dr. (Major) B. C. Nayak is an Anaesthetist who did his MBBS from MKCG Medical College, Berhampur, Odisha. He is an MD from the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune and an FCCP from the College of Chest Physicians New Delhi. He served in Indian Army for ten years (1975-1985) and had a stint of five years in the Royal Army of Muscat. Since 1993 he is working as the Chief Consultant Anaesthetist, Emergency and Critical Care Medicine at the Indira Gandhi Cooperative Hospital, Cochin]
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